Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas

Once again, I find that the months have flown by between posts. I know this. You know this. So, let's not pretend like I have a new excuse or anything. It's just life. It gets busy. I believe we all experience this from time to time.

But in my defense, I did get captured by Somali pirates while I was on a super secret, highly classified mission for the CIA. Any of you that have seen me around in the last two months have actually just been seeing a very advanced hologram created by our nation's top scientists in a hidden laboratory deep beneath the surface of the Earth. However, I escaped from the pirates just two days ago, completed my mission and have finally made it back here safe and sound.

And the first thing I thought to do was blog for you.

You feel bad now for getting all upset at my lack of posts, don't you?

It's cool. Your forgiven. But just remember, until you have the whole story be careful where those heated emotions may take you. That's our lesson for today.

Class dismissed.

Wait...! Actually, I came here for a purpose. Ah, yes. To wish each and every 3 of you (that's right, I have 3 readers now...) a very Merry Christmas.

The holidays can often be a time for Stacie and me that involves much planning and doing and preparing, which is great. But sometimes it's important to just slow down and know that it's all going to be fine if we don't get it all done. How can I know this? Well, I can't really. I guess if we did no planning and preparing, we'd feel pretty lame around the Christmas tree saying, "We were going to get you gifts and whatnot, but we just didn't get around to it. Love ya bunches, though!"

I'm very thankful for Stacie in that regard. She really helps to keep the throttle down on preparation where I'd rather we go grab a beer with friends and take care of it later. Sometimes my approach is necessary, but oftentimes hers is what gets us on top of our game for the holidays. So, for that, Stacie (when you read this) I'm thankful for you.

I don't write this to paint my wife with the brush of a fun-killer, though. Not true at all. She has a great way of combining getting stuff done and having a good time. I think that's because she has a motor that won't quit. She has a desire to always be accomplishing something and the ability to match it. I appreciate that. (If you ever read scouting reports on players before the NFL draft, you'll find all the best players are describe as having a great motor...Stacie would have been a very high draft pick.)

I also don't write this to paint myself as a loser husband who only wants to hang out with friends and be lazy. No, I just don't mix the two as well. I settle in and work or I shut it down and hang out. Sometimes we need to shut it down and sometimes we need our motors to be humming along. All of this is just another reason why Stacie and I are perfect for each other. You may all get grossed out at my affection now.

Regardless of your slant though (motor on or motor off---how did we get on motors?) it's important to take time to remember what we're celebrating. With so many holidays now, it seems to me we just celebrate. Why? Who cares! Let's party!

St. Patrick's Day!!! Yay!!! Drink green beer!!!!! Awesome!!!! Why...? Oh, cuz St. Patrick ran all the snakes out of Ireland. What? Why do we care?

Halloween!!! Yay!!! Get dressed up!!!! Get free candy!!!! Act like a fool!!!! Why...? Oh, cuz it's All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saints Day. And people dressed up as ghosts and ghouls and went to homes demanding offerings to keep the real ghosts and ghouls away...What...? Really...

And then there's Christmas. Yay!!! Christmas Trees and Santa!!! Presents!!!! Time off of work!!!! But why...because we celebrate the birth of Jesus, God's Son who offered Himself up as the sacrifice for mankind. The one who paid the ultimate price of death so that we could have a way to eternal life with God. (Of course, this required His resurrection as well.)(Side note - I know that people speak of a Pagan holiday that Christians overtook as their own and turned it into what we know as Christmas, but let's be honest, modern Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus.)

Maybe it's Chicago, but there's a lot of folks up here who celebrate Christmas, not just a holiday or one of the other religious holidays around this time, but Christmas. And they celebrate Christmas while having no regard for Christ, with no claim of being a Christian, much the way they celebrate St. Patrick's Day with no regard for St. Patrick and without being Irish.

I'm not saying they can't or shouldn't. But I do find it interesting.

There's plenty of people running around (or just being lazy) and not truly celebrating. It's just a holiday to check off of the list and have as much fun as possible around. I'm not saying they don't cherish family and friends or that they don't truly have a heart for the season. But as a Christian, I feel like it is important to take a step back and a deep breath and celebrate the birth of my Savior, who knew exactly who I'd be inside and out, the good and the bad, and still chose to take my place when my debt came time to be paid.

So, Merry Christmas to each and every one of you three. My own three wisemen coming to visit my blog at Christmas...where's my frakincense and myrrh?


Sara said...

I have been in despair about your lack of posts, but I feel better knowing that you couldn't help it...being captured by pirates and all...

This was a good reminder for me to calm down and stop going 90 mph through the holidays!

Trait said...

Nice blog, bro. Welcome back.

our lady of perpetual stuff and nonsense said...

loved it, as per usual.