Saturday, September 19, 2009

Monopoly City Streets

Remember when you were a kid and you'd get into crazy long games of Monopoly with your friends (or in my case with my brother and cousins, Kyle and Kari). We'd stay up all night long playing that game, trying to bankrupt our competitors to become the world's newest tycoon.

Then as we got older, remember how you stopped wanting to play Monopoly as much. You once loved the game, but now you noticed something about never ends. Never.

You'd play all day and all night, but now everyone playing was old enough to know how to now get into bankruptcy. Maybe Trait would grab the trains, I'd gobble up the light blue and yellow streets, Kari would get the utilities and some other minor properties, Kyle would snag Boardwalk and Park Place, then we'd all build and build and just hand money back forth until we got tired of playing.

Then we just quit playing because, really, what was the point?

I don't remember the last time I played Monopoly. Then yesterday I saw this:

Monopoly City Streets.

At first, I thought, "This is brilliant." Monopoly and Google Maps teamed up to make the whole world a giant Monopoly board. I started looking for streets to buy in Chicago and Dallas. A lot of streets were already bought up. There were buildings placed on the streets; you can now build stadiums and all sorts of crazy attractions.

But, then, I read this: "YOU MUST LOG IN EVERYDAY TO RECEIVE YOUR RENTAL" and "If, after 2 weeks, there has not been any activity on your account, the bank will repossess all of your streets."

This is truly the game of Monopoly that never ends. Not only does it never end, but if you want to win, you have to get online everyday to earn your rental payments. How many people right now are wasting their time doing this? Probably a lot. Count me out of this one, please.

But very ingenious idea, Monopoly and Google.

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