Monday, August 17, 2009

Who Knows Where Thoughts Come From, They Just Appear

So, the official brother of Come and Blog It, Trait over at The Contemplative Tulsan (which I would have named "Tulsa Spelled Backwards is A Slut") recently posted a Random Thoughts piece. I like to do those every now and then and was inspired to do something I've been thinking about for a while.

I will use my Blackberry to take down the random thoughts that rattle around in my skull while I'm driving around selling tools. Then when I get home tonight, I'll post it.

You never know what I'll see or hear that will inspire my thought.

This should be interesting.

1) Where'd Kotter go? Was he gone long? What was he doing? I know everyone was really excited to have him back, but where the heck was he?

2) One of my accounts is hosting a charity bbq in September. They want me to give them something to raffle off. I say I'll see what I can do, but also say, why don't I also support you with a special deal on our tools during the event. Dude totally freaks out about not wanting to look like he's using a charity event to make money. Wants the event to just be about raising money for the charity. Thinks it would look bad to use it to make money.

Really dude? Who cares if you make money and raise money at the same time? Plus, like anyone thinks you're doing this 100% out of the kindness of your heart. If that were the case, you'd have this think in a park somewhere not in your store's parking lot.

If you were reading Atlas Shrugged right now like me, you'd be shaking your head at this, too.

3) The Fox River in northern Illinois is really pretty. I'd like to canoe it sometime. Or maybe kayak it. Canoes and kayaks are pretty much the same thing except you have more room for snacks in a canoe. I like snacks while boating, so I'd probably canoe it.

4) I miss The Ticket in Dallas. Great radio. I don't think there's a funnier radio segment than "Gay or Not Gay."

5) I love electricity. I mean, seriously, how cool is that stuff? And how cool is it that man harnessed this energy current that can totally kill him? While everyone was else was cowering during thunderstorms, crazy Ben Franklin was saying, "I wonder if I can catch the flash of light in the sky and do something with it." And he did.

Then crazy dudes like Edison and the extremely underrated Tesla took it to a whole new level. Sometimes I wish I had studied electricity, but then I realize that I probably have my screws secured too tightly to do anything spectacular like those guys.

6) So, I keep a pen clipped onto my shirt all the time. A salesman should have a pen and business cards on him at all times, no excuses. Well, about 3 visits ago, I went to use my pen and couldn't find it. I went back to my truck. I looked everywhere. Nothing.

I just found it. It was hanging out inside my shirt, gettin' all cozy with my belly button. I guess I missed when I went to clip it on.

7) I've met a couple of guys within the last week whose wives just up and left them. I have no idea what to say to that. It sucks. I don't feel like that will ever be something I'll go through, but it still challenges me to be the best husband I can be. Hopefully, I'm that already to her. And it makes me hurt for them. A lot of the time I have to write down things or I forget to pray for them. Not this. I feel like every couple of hours I get burdened to lift these dudes up.

8) I like to sing songs from The Sound of Music and get them stuck in other people's heads. By people I mean, Stacie.

"How do you solve a problem like Maria..."

"Edelweis, edelweis, every morning you greet me..."

"The hills are alive........with the sound of music....."

I hope I didn't just have my man card yanked. The Sound of Music has some very manly stuff in it: Nazis, rugged mountains, intrigue,, double agents, and rampant male chauvinism. It also has all the singing...and nuns...and making clothes out of curtains...and all the singing...

9) Good night, Wesley. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.

Well, there you have it. A day riding around with Ty's brain. Hope you found it to be...better than what you would have been doing otherwise.


Sara said...

As always, it's a great day when there's something new on "Come and Blog It."

Tracey said...

I absolutely loved this blog! Makes me want to start've given me hope! I may just do it!

Trey said...

Pure entertainment. I am inspired to do the same. Hope you don't mind if I steal, or borrow, this idea.