Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stuff Conservatives Like


You know the old saying, "Why say no when it feels sooooo good to say yes?" Well, that saying was first uttered by a sappy, bleeding heart liberal. How do I know that? Because I am a conservative. And as a conservative I can tell you that nothing makes my lump of coal heart pump the oil that has replaced my blood faster than telling someone to take a hike.

I mean, sure, we'll tell you that we're concerned about the ever-increasing federal debt or personal responsibility, but what we really feel inside is unfettered glee at those two little letters squeezed together and passing over our lips: N-O.

Just try it. Say the word out loud. No.

Should we give money to companies that are failing?


Should we expand the governments role in health care, ultimately leading to a government operated system?


Should we further throw the current budget out of whack by extending unemployment benefits despite the fact that we just passed pay-as-you-go legislation after which the president uttered these words:
"Congress can only spend a dollar if it saves a dollar elsewhere."

No. NO. NO!

Didn't it feel good to say that out loud? I mean, in three little breaths we have just broken the hearts of big companies, people that are sick and people that have been out of work for a long time. Delicious, wouldn't you agree?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell - I'm assuming he's saying no here. He practically can't keep the smile from erupting onto his otherwise very droopy face.

Buying the votes of citizens ain't got nothing on how it feels to kill their hopes and dreams.

Why say yes, when it feels so, so good to say no?

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