Thursday, April 9, 2009

Apparently Our Give a Damn is Broken

Today is a very busy work day for me, but interestingly enough I've gotten a second or two of downtime where I can't get to a meaningful account call nor can I move on to my next scheduled event.

So, as I'm caught between things, I thought it'd be fun to try something new: blogging from my Blackberry. So, hopefully this works out.

It's been said you can tell how popular a pastor is by how many people show up for church, but you can tell how popular God is by how many show for the prayer meeting.

That's the first thing that came to my mind as I voted in the Illinois 5th District special election to fill Rham Emmanuel's vacated Congressional seat.

I voted late in the day and was the 38th voter at my polling place. Later, I learned that the Democratic candidate Mike Quigley won the election with 70% of the vote.

Voter turnout was a paltry 9%.

Are you kidding me? Quigley is just another typical Chicago politician. He preaches change, but he's as wrapped up in the Chicago machine as anyone else.

I know that I live in a heavily Democrat populated area, but you can't tell me there aren't 25,000 Republicans in it. That's what it would've taken to defeat Quigley and push the contest to Rosanna Pulido, a true candidate of change.

Unfortunately the mantra of change is the pastor everyone loves, but actually showing up to vote, that's like going to the prayer meeting on Monday night. That's just a little too much committment.

6% of the population (70% of9%) chose who represents our district in Washington.

No wonder politicians think they can do anything. Nobody cares.

I guess we get the government we deserve.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

My mother would say that "it wouldn't be this way if they had grown up when I did." I think she's right.