Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last Last Time

Remember when you first got the Internet? I don't, exactly, but I remember getting my first email address. And I know it must've been my senior year of high school (1997-98) because of my desire to be tyger35.

You see, 35 didn't become my football number until that year. I played center in 7th, 8th and 9th grade and wore number 51, that being an ineligible number, of course. Then in 10th grade, my buddy Robert and I made the varsity squad, Coach Fryer got us confused and they put Robert at center and me at guard/tackle depending on where the linebackers lined up (I was faster than other guard/tackles so I would chase down and block linebackers or pull to open up holes.) We just went with it and didn't find out until after the season that he thought he had us in our correct positions all along.

I had to do a number change that year, too, because they ordered new uniforms for the varsity team and didn't order a number 51. So I went with 55.

In a game during my junior season, playing guard/tackle I pulled on one play to kick out the end and open up the hole for the running back. Well, I knocked my guy down and our RB went through the hole. I got off of the ground and proceeded to chase our RB down, pass him about 30 yards downfield and block another guy. Coach saw that on tape and said he didn't realize I was that fast.

So, my senior year they moved me to fullback/tight end so I needed an eligible number. And 35 it was. Turns out I also played some O line that year when some injuries hit us and I also wore 52, but mostly I wore 35. For the most part, I played defensive end and not much offense.

Wow. And that detour was totally not what I sat down to write. But that is how I know exactly when my first email address was created.

Soon after that, however, I realized that I would need an address that was somewhat more professional for college entry information and soon after that resumes and job offers.

So I got tythompson at the same domain.

And somehow that email became my spammy, business email that I hate to look at. My tyger35 email is fun-loving, laid back and can often be seen downing a Shiner. Not tythompson, though. But it's not his fault. He's sick. And today I have decided to take back my email account. I got on tonight and had just over 3000 unread messages in my inbox (most spam) and then another 1900 in my spam folder (delete.) I've tried to do this before, but today I'm going to win this inbox back.

So, I went through all 3000 messages (because sadly, important emails still head to this account, so I have to screen them to make sure I don't delete something important.) It's been a daunting task that I've put off for a while now, but I am now going to log into this account each day and unsubscribe to anything that needs unsubscribing to and report as spam anything that needs reporting.

But I thought I'd share some of the fun stuff I noticed this evening with you. Obviously I got all of the emails about growing my man-parts, the poor souls in Africa who can't get to their money without my help and so on. But here are the special ones that I feel like you can only get if you neglect an email account for at least 3 years:

Apparently FUNKYDANKISGREAT tried to sign me up for a YouTube account.

There is a website out there called Free Rub that tries to hook people up to give massages to each other...yeah right.

I apparently am a perfect candidate for cooking school, obtaining a nursing degree, pursuing a career in writing, teaching abroad or becoming a medical transcriptionist. Wait a minute...that last one might make a dream of mine come true. I'm gonna go get that one out of the trash.

Brian Coleman wants to let me know that voice rehearsal lessons are cancelled this week. He must've heard me sing.

Tyeisha Thompson has photos waiting for her at Sears.

I've just won a free Wal-Mart Gift Card!!! My lucky day!!!

Katie Weese sent me an evite to her summer kick-off party. I don't even know Katie Weese, so that was very nice of her. What a cool chick. I clicked on the evite and it turns out I had been removed from the guest list. Tramp. I knew I couldn't trust her.

Burt Chevrolet in Englewood, CO thanks me for my business. I don't know about you, but Burt's our code word for danger.

Awesomeness. Plain and simple. Tomorrow I begin the reclamation project. Hopefully for the last time. Wish me luck.

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