Saturday, August 5, 2006

A Point Well Made a.k.a. Things That Don't Piss Me Off

Last week at church my pastor made a really good point. I generally hate it when he does that because it means I relate a bit too closely to the topic he is speaking on, meaning maybe something less-constructive should be weeded out of my life.

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog entitled "Things That Piss Me Off." I was upset after the Mavericks got screwed, I wasn't getting a lot of sleep, I was in the middle of job hunting, next excuse here, followed by 5th excuse, and capped off with excuse numero seis (for my Spanish speaking readers-you know who you are, Pedro, Consuela.)

Anywho. The point he made was that "anyone can tell you what they hate, the things they dislike; it's harder to tell people the things you like."

So essentially I was called out for "easy-writin'." Cheap thrills. Taking the downhill path. Taking that sweet yummy candy from a tiny, sleeping baby. However you label it, I had to admit, it was easy. I could've written for days about things I dislike. And I almost did.

So now I would like for you to embark on a journey with me. One that may test you, and push you to really think about yourself. It'll be like going through our own little Fire Swamp together. There will be random blasts of fire, desiring nothing more than to set you ablaze. There will be hidden dangers in the form of lightning sand. And there may be rodents of unusual size but I really doubt they exist.

The journey is this: I will make a list of things I do like. Things I really like not stuff like "air" or "sunsets." More like "the air at the top of Tucker Mountain just before you ski down it" or "the sunset I watched with my wife on our honeymoon in Maui." I'm talking stuff that means one has really thought about who one is.

After making my list, I think you should comment with just one thing you really like. That's all. Just one. You don't have to. I'm not seeking a tracker of who's reading this dribble I throw out every so often. I just think it would be good for us all to think about what we really like.

Because like my pastor said, it's the easy way to tell everyone what you don't like.

Thing I Like:

Having anywhere from 5 to 15 of our friends come to mine and Stacie's place for dinner almost every Thursday night.

Long roadtrips to Cincinnati with three of my favorite people in the world.

Taking my wife out on a date when she had no idea it was coming (especially when the night is just so fun that we have to pull the truck over and dance under the all probably thought I was going to say "make out." Well that happens, too.)

Making pieces of wood and metal go from being nothing to a creation exactly as it was designed.

Wacthing a great band put on a great show and then, if the venue was Gruene Hall, getting up the next morning and spending the whole day on the Guadalupe River.

Dreaming about being running mates with my brother for the 2016 presidential nomination.

I really like the TV show Scrubs. A lot. It makes me laugh a lot.

Disagreeing with someone I really like about politics, world view, religion, etc., but realizing that it's okay because we still really like each other and that it's cool to disagree.

Spending 7 straight weeks on the road with my great friend Zach.

Going snow skiing in Canada with three great friends, eating Grandma Fehr's amazing dinners, and overhearing a ski patrol woman saying, "You'd have to be insane to ski that mountain today if you didn't know the terrain," as we were packing it to the car after a long day of insane skiing.

Falling asleep on the couch with my wife, while my two dogs Walker and Texas Ranger (just kidding...Bradie and Reese) sleep on the ground beside us on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

Well there it is. Some things I really like...maybe even love. I actually think I could've gone on for months writing those. I'm glad about that. It's nice to see that Cynical Ty is not killing Ty Who Likes Things.

Post yours if you dare. Or just write them down and forget about all those things you don't like for a while.

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